Things may be about to heat up in Iran’s Gaza Front. Hundreds of Hamas terrorists are being sent to Iran for advanced training by Republican Guards. Also advanced weapons such as those used by Hezbollah are also being smuggled in through our friend Egypt. Those who said giving up Gaza would only result in a new staging area for terrorism against Israel were unfortunately right; instead of taking this opportunity to show the world that they could govern a state civilly and successfully they instead turned Gaza into a violent circus fought over by differing sects, criminal gangs, clans, and terrorist cells like Hamas, Fatah, and Al Qaeda. Regardless of whether Iran orders things to heat up or the IDF decides it’s had enough of daily rocket attacks Iran’s Gaza Front is about to erupt.
Update: DEBKA file has a report that the Mujahiddin Brigades units that are firing Al Buraq 2 rockets into Israel at a rate greater than two a day, despite a so called truce, are commanded by an Iranian Revolutionary Guards officer. Also, the US forces in Iraq are holding two of five Iranians captured during a raid on the compound of Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, a high ranking Shia politician. The Iranians are implicated in the smuggling of weapons to Iraqi terrorists that have used them against American and Iraqi forces as well as civilians.