Americans were shocked to learn the insidious fact that little girls were having sex with their elderly “husbands” at the FLDS compound in Texas. Not to mention the polygamy and beatings. There should be no shock, this was all well known. This religion’s prophet Warren Jeffs not only practiced such but also preached the morality of it to his followers. He is doing time for marrying a 14 year old to her cousin. We also have women such as Kathy Jo Nicholson who have freed themselves of the Church’s tyranny and have bravely come forward to recount their experiences.
They’ve never experienced the freedom to think for themselves or to freely question their leaders. They’ve been told to keep “sweet,” to sacrifice their feelings for the greater “good.” They’ve been taught that perfect obedience leads to perfect faith. When you are taught that it is a sin to think or question things, you begin to function in total obedience to the will of another. It is as if you are a robot made to do the bidding of your husband and the Prophet.Sound familiar? That’s because we have things like this going on all the time in Sharia governed countries.
A Yemeni court on Tuesday granted a divorce to an eight-year-old girl whose unemployed father forced her into an arranged marriage this year, saying he feared she might be kidnapped.

"I am happy that I am divorced now. I will be able to go back to school," Nojud Mohammed Ali said, after a public hearing in Sanaa's court of first instance.

Islam also has courageous women exposing the plight of little girls under Sharia. Ghada Jamsheer is one.
Announcer: Some people say that Ghada Jamsheer is Sunna muslim, so she opposes a type of marriage that is in the Islamic law of the Shiat muslims
Ms. Jamsheer : Approved by the Islamic Islamic law?
Announcer: Yes it is approved by the shiat Islamic law
Ms. Jamsheer : The Islamic law approved the marriage for pleasure? Approved this characterization of enjoyment? Let me explain. They have the Enjoyment of the thighs The enjoyment of touching The enjoyment with the breasts The enjoyment with a young girl The enjoyment with a young girl…do you know what this means? It means they can enjoy themselves with the little girl who is two years old, three years old, four years old,
Announcer: Let us not get into this..
Ms. Jamsheer: Let me explain it to you
Announcer: don’t explain to me
Ms. Jamsheer: This is against the rights of children This is considered sexual abuse of a young child. Enjoying oneself with the thighs, what does this mean? This means enjoyment with the toddler who is one year old, or even months old
Update: Another form of child abuse:
An eight-year-old girl was strapped with remote-controlled explosives and used as a human bomb by Iraqi insurgents in a blast that killed an Iraqi commander earlier today.