Subtle as lipstick on a pig
I just got an e-mail.
I'm not undecided so I don't want this or anything else pertaining to the Republican ticket nor the repulsive jokes circulating around about Barack Obama. If you don't like him that is one thing but to circulate lies and disgusting offensive jokes is not acceptable. Not very Christian to be doing such things. All of you out there who are really undecided had better think about the fact that this Republican ticket will strongly be in favor of turning around Roe V Wade and what religious right wings they will try to appoint to the Supreme Court as justices. If any of our daughters or daughter in laws get pregnant and their lives are in danger they won't have a choice whether to choose to have the baby or not. The mother will have to die and the baby will be born without a mother and some of these babies will not even have fathers. I am not for abortion for myself but I do believe that it is a difficult choice for a woman to make if raped or other unforseen situations which are not black and white. I don't think that the federal government should be telling us what to do....and by the way, Laura Bush and Cindy McCain are also pro choice as was Barbara Bush. But believe me, the religious fanatic men who don't have to carry the babies after being raped or other unforseen situations that are not balck and white will have their way if you elect McCain and Palin. Oh, and by the way, the rich women and young ladies will get their abortions anyway because they will be able to afford to fly over to a country where it is allowed. It happened in the '60s and 70s and don't think that it won't happen again. It will just be a little dirty secret that they can keep to themselves as they criticize others. The poor women will just be expected to flounder on and on and take care of it in the back streets and then maybe we can throw them in jail for violating the law.
Also, our economy is in a shambles, middle class people are losing jobs, poor people are working two jobs and some people cannot find jobs so just maybe we need to try something different and that is not John McCain who just wants to give big tax cuts to those big oil companies and to the top 5% who don't need more money. Just maybe we who have a little more than others don't need more tax cuts and those who don't have much and are struggling can use a few more breaks. I don't know about any of you but my money isn't going as far as it use to, gas prices are up and I feel like we haver taken 3 steps back. Oh, and by the way again, John McCain has been in office for 23 years and is just now realizing we need to change the direction of this country. If you ask me he wants this presidency sooooo badly that he is willing to compromise some of the principles he has held strongly in the past.
This is how I feel and as you can see I feel very strongly about it so please don't send me anymore "stuff" about this.
The SCOTUS, Roe v. Wade and women’s issues was the BO campaigns “ace in the hole” according to Chuck Todd from MSNBO network. The BO spokesperson told Todd that they would use any means necessary to beat Hillary and if women were offended, they would come back to the party during the GE because their plan was to “play the Roe v. Wade card.” THAT is a direct quote from the BO campaign via Todd.
Let's dissect this puppy. (Well the first half, I'll talk about economics in another post, too much BS to shovel at one time.)
I'm not undecided so I don't want this or anything else pertaining to the Republican ticket nor the repulsive jokes circulating around about Barack Obama. If you don't like him that is one thing but to circulate lies and disgusting offensive jokes is not acceptable.
Then it goes on to spread offensive lies about Republicans.
If any of our daughters or daughter in laws get pregnant and their lives are in danger they won't have a choice whether to choose to have the baby or not. The mother will have to die and the baby will be born without a mother and some of these babies will not even have fathers.
Blatantly trying to scare the ignorant. First off nobody is going to deny abortions when the mother's health is at risk. Most conservatives even support partial birth abortions in such cases. I do. Also if Roe Wade was struck down, and just as a matter of it being bad Constitutional law it should be, each state would make its own laws, again, as the Constitution requires. What states will ban abortion, even the abortions of convenience liberals so love? Utah maybe. Most states are as down the middle on abortion as the country as a whole so I don't see it happening. A Constitutional Amendment banning abortions, and again that would exclude cases where the mother's life would be at risk, would require passage in 38 states. That's 75% of the states! We will never see it and neither will any Judges McCain appoints. And that's another thing, we are talking about McCain. Let's just see what kind of crap he'll pull once he doesn't need his base. He could appoint another Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
I don't think that the federal government should be telling us what to do
A conservative! Actually we draw the line at murder.
and by the way, Laura Bush and Cindy McCain are also pro choice as was Barbara Bush.
And by the way Bush was in office with both houses of congress for six years and no Amendment attempt.
Oh, and by the way, the rich women and young ladies will get their abortions anyway because they will be able to afford to fly over to a country where it is allowed.
Oh, and by the way, any women and young ladies, (young ladies aren't women?),
will get their abortions anyway because they will be able to hop aboard the many Planned Parenthood Abortion Tours that will be offered. Follow the money, there is a huge
abortion industry that makes over a billion dollars annually, a third taxpayer money,so they want every woman who can to have an abortion. From the last link:
Yes, I’m talking about that gigantic growth corporation, Planned Parenthood. There has likely never been a more misleading name for any major business, of course, because this smooth-running industry does anything but “plan parenthood.” It quite openly and proudly makes sure, for a great majority of its pregnant clients, that they won’t birth their babies at all, and there will be no “parenthood” to plan.
According to Care Net, a leading pro-life counseling and nurturing provider across America, Planned Parenthood’s “services” result in abortions outnumbering adoption referrals and kept children by 180-to-1!!
Surprised? You shouldn’t be — this is a business, a money machine. There is no profit in convincing young girls to keep the children they’ve created or give them up for adoption by eager parents that will love and nurture them. Though occasionally that is the outcome, and the staff and administrators of the slaughterhouses love to publicize those few incidents, the recently revealed numbers tell the true story: Their annual income now exceeds a billion dollars, including $336 million in taxpayer funding!
Now I haven't even looked this up but:
The poor women will just be expected to flounder on and on and take care of it in the back streets and then maybe we can throw them in jail for violating the law.
Has that ever happened? Ever?
Good to see you point out planned parenthood (planned notparenthood) as there
annual profits are 11% vs...the BIG EVIL OIL CO...whose profits float around 9%.
We need to hit them with a windfall profits tax. Palin might know how to do that, lol. Be afraid, be very afraid.
Never forget.

Michael Uliano probably would have preferred to be somewhere other than at the 105th Floor of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. An options broker for Cantor Fitzgerald, Michael enjoyed his work but would rather have been an actor. Surpassing his love of the stage was his love for fishing. To his fishing lure customers on the net he was known as Artie Fishhills, a play on the word artificial because of his knack for tying fishing flies. So if he could have Mike might have been fishing and clamming off Cape Cod in his old ’73 Jeep with the Shark’s mouth grill instead of one of millions of New Yorkers reporting to duty at thousands of desks across the world’s financial nerve center.

Michael's quilt at the
United in Memory Gallery.
Michael acted off Broadway and was working on a screenplay. He so loved acting that he endured the amusement of his fellow Ithaca College football players and took ballet lessons. Many of those expressing fond memories of Michael at
Legacy.com remember him on the stage or the football field. As quarterback of Canton high school Mike’s Number 10 was retired. He is survived by his wife Linda Buffa, his mother Gail, and eight brothers and sisters.